Next Master the Markets Foundation Course 1.5 days - Sept 14-15, 2009. Call Dolly 03 4252 4149 to register ! Bursa Malaysia (KLSE) :-) 5:12 pm - Upthrust for PB Bank

Thursday, July 16, 2009

5:12 pm - Upthrust for PB Bank

Time to clear some PB tomorrow if it closed with down bar.


Anonymous said...

means BUY! now is bull run, just buy and hold long term.

Martin said...

I wud watch for pro to begin selling !

It is not as simple to buy and hold. It is for the average investors to buy and hold.

william said...

I have hold to a stock for 5 five years now and my money has been double.

That how Warren B, reaped in big money.

Martin said...

Dear William,

It depends on your strategy either investing or trading.

In our portfolio management, we have either strategy for PB Bank, we sometimes invest (buy on valuations) and sometimes trade (buy on fear and sell on greed).

As long as you are comfortable with your strategy and eventually make money, that is good enough !

We are always prepared for the "Black Swan".
