Next Master the Markets Foundation Course 1.5 days - Sept 14-15, 2009. Call Dolly 03 4252 4149 to register ! Bursa Malaysia (KLSE) :-) 10:08 am - Weekly Outlook of KLSE by Bill Wermine.

Monday, June 23, 2008

10:08 am - Weekly Outlook of KLSE by Bill Wermine.

Dear Traders Club members,

Attached is an article about how to protect your self from inflation/political uncertainty,stock market turmoil which will be published in Malaysian Business at the end of this month.

Bottom line is a quote from I Capital, Teng Boo, which applies, " What the state of the Malaysian Political zoo is does not matter an iota to the plantation sector, the oil and gas industry.... The PE ratio of the KLSE is now at 10.92 which show gross undervaluation offering long term upside potential.

The key in my opinion to withstanding the current storm in the equity market is to focus on these sectors and make sure the share you buy has a solid dividend.

Next week will be volatile and there could be opportunities in the futures. Give Martin a call or visit his blog for short term opportunities in CPO of CI


Anonymous said...

Hi, where is the attached article?

KakNaan said...

Yes, where is the attached article? Should I be expecting the article from Martin or Bill? Thanks.